Police Department
Contact info
The Dryden Township Police Department can be reached during normal office hours listed below. If you need to talk to an officer outside of normal office hours call 810-667-0292. Lapeer County Dispatch can reach an officer at any time by radio.
24 Hour Police Services
Non-Emergency 810-667-0292
Emergency 911
Dryden Township Police Department
4849 Dryden Road
Dryden, MI 48428
Office Hours
M-Th 9AM-3PM
Closed Friday
Phone: 810-796-2271
Fax: 810-796-2841
Email: police@drydentownship.com
Chief of Police
Shawn Peters - phone ext 131
Adam Chesnutt - phone ext 134
Morgan Thompson - phone ext 136
Sean Sullivan - phone ext 138
School Resource Officer
Greg Betts - phone ext 135
Office Clerk
Norrice Bickes - phone ext 132

Crash Reports available on-line
The Dryden Township Police Department membership in CLEMIS affords the citizens of Dryden the opportunity to purchase crash reports on-line. Utilize the link listed below:
Medication Drop Off
9am to 3pm, Monday - Thursday
The Dryden Township Police Department will be accepting medications at the office from 9am to 3pm Monday through Friday.
KidCents and The Rite Aid Foundation are committed to supporting a safe environment for children in our communities by helping to reduce the misuse of medications by adolescents and accidental childhood poisonings.
The Safe Medication Disposal Program advances that mission by providing local law enforcement agencies in Rite Aid service areas with medication disposal units to ensure that individuals can safely dispose of unwanted medications in an environmentally-friendly manner, while keeping them out of the hands of kids and teens.
License to Purchase a Firearm
As a service to our residents, you can obtain a License to Purchase a Firearm at our office. You must be a resident of Dryden (village or township) and at least 21 years of age. A firearm may be transferred to a family member at age 18.
A License to Purchase a Firearm can be obtained at our office by appointment only. Appointment days are Monday and Tuesday from 9:00am to 2:30pm. Please call our office at (810) 796-2271 to schedule an appointment.
Free gun locks are also available at our office.
Please visit the State of Michigan website for information on new gun law legislation that went into effect on 2-13-2024.
Property Inspections/Literature
Please call or stop in the office to make arrangements to have us check on your home while you are out of town. It only takes a minute for us to fill out the property inspection form and your home will be checked on a routine basis while you are out of town. We also have free information on many topics available in the office.
Feel free to stop in at any time.
Make it Home: Don't Drive Distracted
Distracted driving refers to any activity drivers engage in that takes their attention from the primary task of driving. It can be visual distraction, taking their eyes from the road; manual distraction, taking their hands from the wheel; or cognitive distraction, taking their minds from their driving.
- Choose a radio station, CD line-up or MP3 playlist before pulling out.
- Set climate controls in advance.
- Style hair and apply makeup before leaving or after arriving.
- Only use cell phones with hands free features including voice, not manual, dialing.
- Avoid difficult or emotional conversations while driving.
- Never read, write or send a text message while driving.
- Never read printed material, e-mails or search the internet while driving.
- Limit eating to simple foods without packaging and avoid hot drinks.
- Pull over briefly to a safe location to engage in distracting behaviors.
- Especially avoid distractions in heavy traffic or bad weather.
Politely ask drivers you ride with to avoid distractions.
Talk to young drivers about the dangers of distracted driving.
Buckle Up or Pay Up
Michigan's 2023 seat belt use rate was 92.4% (92.9% in 2022). Lapeer county 2023 seat belt use rate was 96.5%.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the nationwide seat belt use rate was 91.2 percent in 2022.
- Fire Department (0)